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Customer Relationship Management(英文版)(ppt 26页)

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Customer Relationship Management(英文版)(ppt 26页)内容简介

Customer Relationship Management(英文版)内容提要:
Why CRM?
Company existence – quest for profit.
Three ways to increase the profitability of the customer base
Acquire more customers
Optimize the value of the existing customers
Retain the right customers longer
Acquiring new customer cost 5-10 times more that retaining the existing one
Loyal customers will will buy more and are willing to pay premium prices
20/80 rule – 20% of the customers generate 80% of the revenue

Mass Marketing:
Replaced the intimacy of direct sales
One way communication
Wide geographic distribution
Lost is the personal touch with the customer
Mass marketing was enabled trough the technological improvements in TV, radio, printed press

CRM Cycle:
Who are the customers – demographics and lifestyle?
Where do they live?
What are they worth? What is their lifetime value potential?
What and how do they buy?
How can they be reached? How have they responded to promotions in the past and trough which channels they prefer to be reached?
Execution and management of the marketing campaigns and customer treatment plans.
Data gathering.
