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客户服务的相关报告(英文版)(doc 9页)

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客户服务的相关报告(英文版)(doc 9页)内容简介
Introduction of my report:
According to the needs of the class, our group was investigated the customer care strategy of Shangri-La Hotels. I will describe the Shangri-la hotel’s strategy of customer care. I also will describe the ways in which standards of customer care of Shangri-la hotel were established and describe the methods used by the Shangri-la hotel to gather and analyze information from customer. Final I will describe how the customer care strategy is reviewed and how improvements are subsequently make and implemented.
Introduction of the company:
Shangri-La Hotels are five-star luxury hotels located in premier city addresses across Asia and the Middle East, with future deluxe hotels underway in North America and Europe.
Discerning business and leisure travelers from around the world stay with us to enjoy their legendary Asian hospitality and warm, caring service.
The Shangri-La 'S',the 'S' logo which resembles uniquely Asian architectural forms, suggests majestic mountains reflected in the waters of a tranquil lake.
The ways in which the plans for a customer care strategy
Shangri-la hotels are no longer confined to the traditional principles of in customer satisfaction. Until the customer loyalty is established, they will continuous to make the customer joyful.
